Saturday, April 3, 2010

is there going to be a warrior cat video game?

yes!!! there is!!!! i found a pic of it!! And Warriors: The Legend of Firestar was born!

This game will be based on the first series, and you will play from Firestar's perspective, starting as Rusty and joining the clan to become Firestar!


  1. AWESOME I AM SOOOO GETTING THAT!!!!!!! FIRESTAR IS MY TOP FAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Um... I'm not meaning to be a spoil sport, but that game doesn't exist. The authors specifically said that there would be no video games unless there was a movie, and we're not even sure if there is going to be one yet. Also, Play Station 2 games aren't rated 'PG', they are rated things like 'E' or 'E-10'. Anyone could have just put that together... Sorry, I just didn't want anyone to get their hopes up. Yet I do hope they make one someday! :)


  3. Silverstar is right i agree althoygh sims2pets acts like the warrior video gamr coz u can create ur own cats

  4. Replies
    1. It's not a real game,because if it was I would have it.

  5. i want them to come out with the game and he movie
